
CH Szep Tars Elso Keeper of the Stars

Bred by Tricia and Matthew Ginther

Pax, the working dog every family of sporting dogs needs.

Though Bryan insisted the addition of a guardian dog for my llamas seemed entirely unnecessary, Pax wiggled his way in as a fluffy cue tip and would be hardpressed to ever leave. Now, he's the "coolest dog" on the block, as neighbors and visitors to the farm know him by name. While he will defend his 5 acres and his family without a second thought, visitors comment on his acute ability to welcome his guests with nothing short of aplomb and kindness. In very short order, Pax lived inside with his red heads and humans until the house temperature made it unbearable. So at 10 months, he moved outside with his camelid companions and feels right at home, ever since. 

He cleans up well, too! He finished in 2023 and will continue to work toward his Grand Championship title when it's convenient to pull him from his guardianship over the llamas. He finished 2023 in the Top Ten AKC NOHS Series Kuvasz. This guy is just about as cool, as cool ever gets. Meghan is pretty convinced she's going to add him to her Therapy Animal program in 2024, and beyond. 

AKC number WS72427805

See Pax's complete OFA Health testing results HERE.

Cleaned up, in the Show Ring

On the farm at MFnR