Though Maci holds no titles to her name, I give her so much credit, love, and admiration for her work as my life and heart dog. She was a gift to myself for successfully graduating with my Bachelor of Science degree from University of Idaho, and then successfully being accepted into the Doctoral Physical Therapy program at Eastern Washington University. Therefore, you can imagine her duties revolved around keeping me emotionally sane while trying to navigate what amounted to some very overwhelming and challenging studies. Even after she helped me through that program, she stood by me as I waded through young adulthood. She gets the credit for overseeing my acceptance of my first (and second) physical therapy job, helping me through one empty relationship before agreeing on the man I now call my husband, running with me while I trained for countless half and full marathons, watching me pursue professional triathlon, and then welcoming into our lives more dogs, to whom she served as matriarch.

Maci will always hold a special place in my heart. The lessons she has taught me have helped me grow into a better, more empathetic, human. While I once took for granted the importance of solid and patient communication with my four-legged souls, I now appreciate how much more I benefit from the relationships with my pups. Maci made clear the countless lessons I can--and will continue to--learn from working closely with my pack. I believe her devotion will inspire me to do much more with the pups I look forward to rearing in the future.

Birthday - December 9, 2009 Day of passing - June 6, 2022

2009 - puppy days

To think Maci was once so small.


The most adorable "trouble" I have every known.

2010 - 1 year old

Snow days were Maci's days

2010 - summer

Puppy agility class (no jumps) to introduce new sights and smells and develop confidence.

2012 - 3 years old

In the thick of studying for a Doctorate degree. My thoughts exactly, Love.

2013 - 4 years old

Atop Mt. Spokane on a hike up to Lookout

2014 - 5 years old

Maci loved to run, and accompanying me while I rode my mountain bike served as wonderful outlet for her energy.

2016 - 7 years old

Maci enjoyed her new sister, Ryder, whom we adopted from the pound. Both incredible athletes, they loved to chauffer me around on regular training runs on the trails.

2017 - 8 years old

Too much sugar on her sweet face, she still enjoys running with me.

2018 - 9 years old

Just a Sugarface and her Snoozer bed, a mainstay for such a sweet girl.

2019 - 10 years old

Not one to be left out - EVER - Maci insists on taking her place next to her humans even if it means braving the cold in December.

2019 - Fireside

This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Maci, as it captures what I think is her true personality: devoted, patient, and persitently persistent. My heartbeat.

2020 - 11 years old

If she's not resting in her Snoozer, then Maci insists you wrap her up in a blanket. Always.

2020 - family

Maci loves her wee babes, especially when they entertain themselves so she can watch from the comforts of her recliner. On regular walks, however, she will appease them and often instigate a bit of play and wrestle.

March, 2022

Maci loved her pack. Left to Right: Cousin Zuma, Stang, Pax, and Jocko.